You can find additional PROPEL Health materials on the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC).
In Botswana, PROPEL Health is working with the Ministry of Health and the National AIDS and Health Promotion Agency to achieve universal health coverage through strengthening the national and subnational capacity to address issues around primary healthcare, health financing, health workforce, and data management.
In Burkina Faso, PROPEL Health will work with various stakeholders and organizations to make gains in community health and universal health coverage, placing a priority on localized and sustainable activities that result in impactful system-wide change.
In El Salvador, PROPEL Health is working to strengthen the government’s capacity to design and roll out health security policies and better prepare the government to prevent emerging infectious disease threats (including both human and zoonotic diseases), all within the country’s Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and a One Health approach.
In Ghana, there is a strong interest in ensuring equitable and timely access to quality family planning information, products, and services. PROPEL Health is supporting the government, local civil society organizations, and research institutions to strengthen access to and provision of voluntary family planning and health and other primary healthcare services through policy, financing, and resource mobilization to meet the country’s FP2030 commitments.
In Guatemala, PROPEL Health’s goal is to strengthen the health system and address regional health disparities by optimizing resources and improving equity in and the quality of primary healthcare. The project’s high-priority tasks include the revitalization of the primary healthcare system, with a specific focus on maternal health, voluntary family planning, and nutrition; improvement of health system leadership and governance at the national and subnational levels; supporting citizen accountability and participation; and advancing Guatemala’s decentralization agenda to strengthen the health system.
En Guatemala, el objetivo de PROPEL Salud es fortalecer el sistema de salud y abordar las disparidades sanitarias optimizando los recursos y mejorando la equidad y la calidad de la atención primaria de salud. Las tareas prioritarias del proyecto incluyen la revitalización del sistema de atención primaria de salud, con especial atención a la salud materna, y planificación familiar voluntaria y la nutrición; la mejora del liderazgo y la gobernanza del sistema de salud a nivel nacional y subnacional; el apoyo a la rendición de cuentas y la participación ciudadana; y el avance de la descentralización para fortalecer el sistema de salud en Guatemala.
In Honduras, PROPEL Health is using an evidence-based approach to improve health security, including disease surveillance; disease preparedness, prevention, detection, and response; and related health information systems. PROPEL Health aims to improve governance and facilitate sustained capacity strengthening in support of the government through direct work with the ministries of health, agriculture and livestock, and environment.
En Honduras, PROPEL Salud está utilizando un enfoque basado en evidencia para mejorar la seguridad de la salud, incluida la vigilancia de enfermedades; la preparación, prevención, detección y respuesta ante enfermedades; y los sistemas de información de salud relacionados. PROPEL Salud pretende mejorar la gobernanza y facilitar el fortalecimiento sostenido de las capacidades en apoyo del gobierno a través del trabajo directo con los ministerios de salud, agricultura y ganadería, y medio ambiente.
The project’s goals in Kenya include improving equitable access to healthcare services, especially for the financially vulnerable, and sustainably increasing domestic resources for health from both public and private sectors. PROPEL Health will work toward achieving these goals by strengthening relationships at the national level, across disease programs and ministries, and at the county level with local leaders and decisionmakers.
PROPEL Health is working with partners in the government, civil society, youth, the private sector, and other development organizations to strengthen the health system and build resilience and sustainability, focusing on capacity strengthening in the areas of voluntary family planning and health; maternal, newborn, and child health; nutrition; and HIV.
In the West Africa region, through funding from USAID West Africa, PROPEL Health aims to create an enabling environment for policy and strengthen health systems to improve outcomes by implementing HIV, maternal and child health, and voluntary family planning service delivery activities.
USAID/Timor-Leste is committed to supporting the Ministry of Health to achieve universal health coverage. The support aims to bolster both national and subnational efforts to ensure access to efficient, equitable, and high-quality health care.
USAID/Timor-Leste komprometidu atu fó apoiu ba Ministériu Saúde hodi atinje cobertura saúde universál. Apoiu ne’e ho objetivu atu reforsa esforsu nasionál no sub-nasionál hodi asegura asesu ba kuidadu saúde ne’ebé efisiente, ekuitativu no ho kualidade aas.